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Awards and Certifications Showcase

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2023 1:37 pm
by Vincent Trucchio


Medal of Valor

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department (LSCSD) Medal of Valor is the highest law enforcement medal given by the LSCSD.

The Medal of Valor is an award for bravery, usually given for individual acts of extraordinary bravery or heroism performed in the line of duty at extreme, life-threatening, personal risk. It recognizes officers whose actions could be considered as having gone above and beyond the call of duty, or to recognize an officer who has performed an act of bravery displaying an extreme amount of courage while knowingly facing imminent danger.
- This award can be issued by the Chief of Department only.

Meritorious Conduct Gold Medals

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Meritorious Conduct Gold Medal is the second highest award a department member can receive. It is awarded to persons who place themselves in immediate peril and perform an act of heroism and/or save the life of another person.

- This award can be issued by Executive Staff only.

Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal is the third highest medal that can be awarded to a Deputy within the department. Meritorious Conduct Silver Medal is awarded to members for acts of outstanding personal bravery intelligently performed in the line of duty at imminent personal hazard to life under circumstances evincing a disregard of personal consequences. This medal is awarded to persons who, when confronted by circumstances beyond the normal course of their duties, place themselves in potential peril while performing an act of heroism or while saving or attempting to save the life of another

- This award can be issued by Executive Staff only.

Life Saving Medal

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Life Saving Medal, displayed as a ribbon with a cross in the middle, is awarded to a Deputy within the department for an act of extraordinary bravery intelligently performed in the line of duty at imminent and personal danger to life, being able to put their own life in danger to save another individuals life.[/justify]

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Purple Heart Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Purple Heart Award, is presented when an employee sustains a traumatic physical injury as a result of a violent encounter with the criminal element and the employee attempts to continue to perform his/her job functions. This award would be considered only when the employee sustains an injury while performing a high risk law enforcement function and/or involved in a tactical situation.

The Purple Heart Award is presented when an employee through no fault of his/her own, sustains a traumatic physical injury during the performance of job-related functions such as a rescue operation, a hazardous material exposure, a riot, a traffic collision or other accident, and the employee attempts to continue to perform his/her job functions.

NOTE: The Purple Heart will not be awarded if the injury occurred as a direct result of employees’ negligent or inappropriate actions.

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Meritorious Service Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Meritorious Service Medal is presented to members of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department who distinguished themselves by outstanding meritorious achievement or service to their respective Department.

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Exemplary Service Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Exemplary Service Award is presented to members of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department who merit Department recognition for work efforts which show an unusual degree of individual initiative resulting in notable achievement in one or more of the following areas:

  • A contribution to organizational efficiency;
  • Technical innovation;
  • Devotion to an organizational mission or duty;
  • Improved personal safety;
  • Enhancement of the Departmental image.

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Distinguished Service Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Distinguished Service Award will be presented to employees of the Department who have distinguished themselves by actions which are far beyond those required for their position and which result in a significant contribution toward the betterment of our Department and/or its members through:

  • Improved efficiency;
  • Increased effectiveness;
  • Substantial cost savings;
  • Improved personal safety;
  • Enhanced public image;
  • Consistent career excellence.

In addition to other considerations, personnel with 5 years of service, upon honorable separation from the Department, shall be evaluated by their division for the appropriateness of this award.

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Humanitarian Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Humanitarian Award is presented to those Department members who selflessly perform acts of personal commitment and sacrifice to help others. These acts are exceptional, ongoing, and extraordinary, and are considered well above the normal routine.

- This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.

Unit Commander Award

The Los Santos County Sheriff's Department Unit Commander Award is presented to those within the Department who managed to climb the ranks, through hard work, becoming a leading role within the many Units of the County Sheriff's Department.

-This award can be issued by Command Staff and Executive Staff only.


Service Ribbon awards are given to employees who complete a certain amount of time in the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department in certain assignments.

Patrol Service Ribbon

5 years of service in patrol services as a Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant.


Patrol Service Ribbon (with Bronze Oak Leaf cluster)

10 years of service in patrol services as a Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant.

Patrol Service Ribbon (with Silver Star)

15 years of service in patrol services as a Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant.

Patrol Service Ribbon (with Gold Star)
20 years of service in patrol services as a Deputy Sheriff, Sergeant and/or Lieutenant.

Detective Service Ribbon
5 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant.


Detective Service Ribbon (with Bronze Oak Leaf cluster)
10 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant.

Detective Service Ribbon (with Silver Star)
15 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant.

Detective Service Ribbon (with Gold Star)
20 years of service in investigative units as a Detective and/or Lieutenant.

Reserve Service Ribbon

Awarded for 500 hours of service as a Reserve Deputy Sheriff.

Participation awards for employees of the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department who were involved in stressful or important events.

1984 Summer Olympics Ribbon
Given to any deputy who saw service during the 1984 Summer Olympics from July 28 to August 12, 1984.

1987 Papal Visit Ribbon
Given to any deputy who saw service during the September 1987 pastoral visit of Pope John Paul II.

1992 Civil Disturbance Ribbon
Given to any deputy who saw service during the 1992 Los Angeles riots from April 29 to May 4, 1992.

1994 Earthquake Ribbon
Given to any deputy who saw service during the 1994 Northridge earthquake from January 17 to January 18, 1994.

2000 Democratic National Convention Ribbon
Given to any deputy who saw service during the 2000 Democratic National Convention.


These qualifications are issued due to designated training and therefore certifications in related to a Division or regular Operations.

Urban Patrol Rifle Certification

Certification issued after passing the Urban Patrol Rifle Program and Training, also known as AR-15 certification.

Urban Police Rifle Cadre Ribbon
Given to any deputy who is qualified to use a Urban Police Rifle (usually a AR-15 variant chambered in .223).

Aero Bureau - Flight Wings
This qualification is issued to members of the Aero Bureau upon becoming a qualified AB pilot.

Award badges to those who attain progressively higher aim qualification scores on the range. Bonus pay is given to qualifiers, and some assignments may require such demonstrated weapons skill beyond that earned in basic training. Some of these may be awards during situations where an employee uses their skill to neutralize a threat, or a situation where good targeting is required.

Distinguished Expert Marksmanship Badge
Deputies must score 2,310 out of a possible 2,400 points in a consecutive six‑month period in the voluntary bonus qualification shoots (held every month by the Training Division). Deputies who have qualified as Distinguished Experts receive $64 in compensation in their bi-weekly paychecks.

Expert Marksmanship Badge
Deputies must score 380 out of a possible 400 points in the voluntary bonus qualification shoots (held every month by the Training Division). Deputies who have qualified as Experts receive $32 in compensation in their bi-weekly paychecks.

Sharpshooter Marksmanship Badge
Deputies must score 340 out of a possible 400 points in the voluntary bonus qualification shoots (held every month by the Training Division). Deputies who have qualified as Sharpshooters receive $16 in compensation in their bi-weekly paychecks.

Marksman Marksmanship Badge
Deputies must score 300 out of a possible 400 points in the voluntary bonus qualification shoots (held every month by the Training Division). Deputies who have qualified as Marksmen receive $8 in compensation in their bi-weekly paychecks.