[ACCEPTED] Joshua Vinson - 11/07/1997

Joshua Vinson
Retired Deputy
Retired Deputy
Posts: 1
Joined: Mon May 01, 2023 11:12 pm

[ACCEPTED] Joshua Vinson - 11/07/1997

Post by Joshua Vinson »

Los Santos County Sheriff's - Deputy Sheriff Application

  • Applicant Eligibility:
    • Must be a citizen of the United States or carry a valid Green Card.
    • Must be least 21 years of age.
    • Must hold a United States recognized high school GED diploma or equivalent.
    • Must have not been convicted of a felony.
    • Must have not been convicted of a misdemeanor in the previous 2 years. This includes severe traffic violations. (( 2 weeks )).
    • Must have a driving record that demonstrates responsible decisions and appropriate behavior.
    • Must currently not be on criminal trial or subject to criminal investigation.
    • Must hold a valid driver's license.
    • Must be medically and psychologically fit for work in highly stressful environments.
    • Must not suffer from epilepsy, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease or any other comparable long term conditions.
  • (( OOC Applicant Eligibility )):
    • Working microphone and the ability to use it.
    • Decent admin record, clear of any recent offenses.
    • High standard of English, preferably fluent as well as grammar.
    • Knowledge of in-depth roleplay and character development, as well as high standards displayed.
    • Must not be affiliated with an illegal faction on another character.


SUBSECTION 1.1: Personal Information
Title: Mr.
Surname: Vinson
Forename: Joshua

Gender: Male
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY): 11/07/1997

Phone Number: 472293
Email: [email protected]

Place of Birth: Los Santos
Place of Residence: 3 Holmes Rd, Motel, Montgomery
City of Residence: Montgomery
County of Residence: Red County

SUBSECTION 1.2: Language Proficiency
Are you able to communicate effectively and efficiently in the English language?: Yes.

Are you able to speak any languages aside from English?: No.
If so, please list them all alongside your skill level in each language: N/A

SUBSECTION 1.3: Licenses and Permits
Do you possess a valid San Andreas Drivers License?: Yes
If yes, do you possess any warnings/citations on your license?: No

Do you possess a valid Aviation License?: No
If yes, has your license ever been revoked?: N/A

Do you possess a valid Firearms License?: No
If yes, has your license ever been revoked?: No

SUBSECTION 1.4: Criminal and Citation Record
Leave areas empty if you do not possess a criminal record.

Nature of Sentence:
Date of Sentence:
Time Served, If Applicable:

Nature of Sentence:
Date of Sentence:
Time Served, If Applicable:

SUBSECTION 1.5: Employment, Experience and References
Reference Name: Francis Sandor
Reference Position: Commissioner of Finance, LSCG
Reference Contact Information: [email protected]
How is this reference relevant to your application and sought position?: Francis and I worked together on a brief business venture in 2017 where we built websites for startup businesses and assisted with brand development. Frank taught me a lot of communication skills and how to work well with others in a customer service setting. I also learned a lot about the economy and the people who live in Red County.
Are you okay with us contacting this individual?: Yes

Reference Name: Charles Newcombe
Reference Position: Deputy Sheriff.
Reference Contact Information: 570105.
How is this reference relevant to your application and sought position?: Charles and I served in the military together. We were both members of the Marine Corps and spent nine months together on a ship as part of a deployment to the Middle East, conducting operations to support US interests in the region. He can vouch for my teamwork skills, combat experience, communication abilities, and general work ethic.
Are you okay with us contacting this individual?: Yes.


Why would you liked to become a Deputy Sheriff within the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?: I would like to become a Deputy Sheriff within the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department because I have always had a deep sense of duty and commitment to serving my country and community. After my time in the Marine Corps, I realized that law enforcement is another way for me to continue to serve and protect the people in my community. Joining the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department would allow me to use my skills and experience to make a positive impact on the community I live in.

Out of all of the other applicants, what distinguishes you from the others applying?: As a former Marine with nine months of deployment to the Middle East, I possess strong leadership, problem-solving, and decision-making skills, as well as a deep sense of dedication to my duty and responsibilities. I have experienced working under high-pressure situations and have the ability to remain calm, focused, and composed in challenging environments. My military background has instilled in me a strong work ethic and discipline, which I believe will serve me well in the field of law enforcement.

Why should you be considered for a position within the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department?: My military background, coupled with my desire to serve and protect my community, makes me a great candidate for a position within the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. I have demonstrated my ability to work well under pressure, to remain calm in high-stress situations, and to make quick decisions. I believe that my experience, dedication, and strong work ethic will make me an asset to the department, and I am confident that I can make a positive contribution to the community.

Do you have any other Law Enforcement experience that may stand out to us?: I do not have any previous law enforcement experience, but I am eager to learn and to apply the skills and knowledge that I have gained from my time in the military to my role as a Deputy Sheriff. I believe that my military experience has prepared me well for a career in law enforcement and that I have the necessary skills and qualities to excel in this field. I am committed to ongoing training and development to ensure that I am the best possible candidate for the job.


SUBSECTION 3.1: Personal Information
ArdicGaming Forum Username: ertidog
ArdicGaming In-Game Username: ertidog

Gender: male
Age: 25

Geographical Location: North East, United States
Timezone: GMT-4

List all characters under your account: Victor Gerstle, Peter Luschek, Joshua Vinson, Howard Schwartz

Are you currently in any other faction on other characters?: Government of Los Santos

Screenshot of your current stats:


Screenshot of your current administrative history:



I, below signed applicant, hereby authorize the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department to conduct a thorough investigation of my past records, including but not limited to my medical records, educational records, work records and any other inquiries that can be considered as justified in regards to my application for the position of a law enforcement officer within the Los Santos Police Department. I release the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department from any legal claims, demands or liabilities that may be caused as a direct result by said inquiries.

I certify that all answers above are truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I am not withholding any information that could be deemed as important. I promise that I have filled out my application on my own, without the help of any third party. I agree to maintain any correspondence between the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department and myself as private and that I will not disclose any information or material to a third party.

I acknowledge that the relationship between myself and the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department is strictly of an "at will" nature, and that I may be denied from any stage of the recruitment process for any reasons that the employer deems as justified. I also understand that in certain events, the reasons for my rejection may remain further undisclosed.

(( By submitting this application I acknowledge that I have not been banned from the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department, am currently on good standing with the faction leadership or member base and that all of the above submitted information is 100% correct. I swear that I have filled out the application on my own and that I had no help from any outside parties.

I understand that I may be denied or barred from joining for any reasons that the Los Santos Police Department and its respective representatives consider to be justified. I promise I will keep any correspondence between myself and the Los Santos Police Department confidential, and that I will not reveal sensitive information unless being permitted beforehand. ))
Date: 5/12/23
Applicants Signature: Joshua Vinson
Gerald Harben

Re: Joshua Vinson - 11/07/1997

Post by Gerald Harben »

Recruitment & Training Division - Application Pending

Dear Mr. Vinson,

Thank you for your interest in the Los Santos County Sheriff's Department. We have received your application for employment, thus commencing the PBC (Preliminary Background Check), subsequently setting your application's status to PENDING. This process takes anywhere from twenty-four (24) to seventy-two (72) hours from your initial submission.


Sheriff Frank Reid
Office of the Sheriff,
Administrative Services Bureau,
Recruitment & Training Division,
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Undersheriff Gerald Harben
Administrative Services Bureau,
Recruitment & Training Division,
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department
Gerald Harben

Re: Joshua Vinson - 11/07/1997

Post by Gerald Harben »

Recruitment & Training Division - Application Accepted

Dear Mr. Vinson,

After evaluating your interview and fitness examination, the Recruitment & Training Division has come to a final conclusion. We are pleased once again to inform you that your application for employment is ACCEPTED. You are now obligated to attend the department's police academy. Additional details will be made available privately to you. Failure to attend will result in termination from the department.


Sheriff Frank Reid
Office of the Sheriff,
Administrative Services Bureau,
Recruitment & Training Division,
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department

Undersheriff Gerald Harben
Administrative Services Bureau,
Recruitment & Training Division,
Los Santos County Sheriff's Department